After many months and long hours of planning, we're proud to announce our first package Mountain Bike holiday is now here and ready to book!
We'll be heading to the Lake District in Spring 2018 for a series of 4-day adventures, exploring the highest mountains and passes, the best and most exciting descents, and our favourite epic journeys through some of the most scenic landscapes to be found in the UK.
We've arranged comfortable places to stay in local accommodation serving great food and good beer, transport each day to the areas we've chosen to ride in, and have so many amazing trails we can't wait to share in this fantastic part of the country.
We've designated one of these trips as a "Ladies of the Lakes" women's only holiday, to cater for the growing number of adventurous ladies looking to ride some challenging trails in a less-pressured environment, with other like-minded women. Spread the word if you know of anyone who might be looking for a trip like this!
Bookings are being taken now and all details on the trips and how to book can be found in the ride section of the website!
Lake District Adventures! Image: Phil Hall